Arthros Duisburg – Arthros Duisburg Offers Arthroscopy and Versorgung mit Endoprothesen

Among the many services offered by this medical practice, Arthroskopische Operationen and Versorgung mit Endoprothesen are a few that are worth mentioning. For more information, visit Here, you will find all the necessary contact information. Whether you are looking for a top-notch arthroscopic surgeon or a reputable orthopedic clinic, you’ll find everything you need to know.

Arthroskopische Operationen

Arthroskopische Operations are minimally invasive procedures for the treatment of joint disorders. These procedures often use an endoscope, a camera that allows the surgeon to see inside the knee. The procedure can be performed on most types of joints. Because of the minimally invasive nature of this procedure, it is less painful than traditional surgery and lowers the risk of infection. Additionally, it is more cosmetically pleasing than traditional procedures.

Patients undergoing arthroscopy undergo an individual postoperative plan. Post-operative care usually includes manual lymph drainage, manual movement therapy, and thromboseprophylaxe. These procedures can leave the patient ambulatory in two to three days, while larger ones can take up to a week to complete. Patients may experience some swelling or discomfort following arthroscopy, but they can return to their normal activities after a week.

Versorgung mit Endoprothesen

Versorgung mit Endoprothesen is a highly successful orthopedic surgery that involves inserting joints inside the body. The selection of these prosthetic devices requires careful analysis of the patient’s anatomy and needs. The surgeon will select the best options for the patient. Versorgung mit Endoprothesen at is certified by the German EndoProthesenregister (EPDR).

This specialist team of doctors and surgeons has the highest level of training and expertise. The medical team consists of highly qualified physicians with extensive experience in the field of orthopedic surgery. The doctors of the team are members of the German Society for Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery, a professional umbrella organization for the German Orthopedic Society. In addition to being certified by the German Orthopedic Society, the staff at is accredited by the German Society for Orthopedics.

The patients were diagnosed with osteochondrose, Meniskusdegenerations with Luxation, or a combination of both. These patients were given a detailed explanation of the limitations of surgery and the risks of prothetic care. While one of the patients desired a prosthesis for arthritis, the other two wanted to avoid it. A kunstliches gelenk is a great way to increase your quality of life and reduce your weight.


At the Behandlungsräume bei arthro-prax, you can expect modern treatment and a caring team of professionals. The team at Arthros Duisburg combines the best of the latest in medical and hygienic equipment. The ambulant operation room is particularly comfortable and is equipped with state-of-the-art technology. The team at Arthros Duisburg is proud to employ three licensed D-Arzts and a team of highly qualified medical personnel.

ARTHROZENTRUM is a chirurgisch-orthopadische community practice in Berlin-Mitte, supervised by Dr. Cornelius Forster and Dr. Frank N. Unterhauser. Both doctors are D-Arzte, which means they are licensed to perform surgery for accidents at work or at school. Their team of physicians specializes in problems of the musculoskeletal system.


Contact Informationen zu You can reach the doctor via phone or by filling out the online form. In addition, the website offers convenient hours. If you’re feeling sick, the doctor will see you as soon as possible. In addition to this, the practice is fully equipped for patients with any emergency or urgent care needs. Patients can expect short wait times and friendly staff. Patients will also benefit from the specialized services of Dr. Diegisser, a renowned expert in orthopedics and trauma surgery.

The Arthro Clinic Hamburg is a community practice in Hamburg, offering orthopedic services including surgery and arthroscopy. There are two locations: Park-Klinik Manhagen and ATOS Klinik Fleetinsel. The Evangelischen Krankhaus Alsterdorf and Facharztklinik Hamburg are also locations of the practice. If you’re in need of surgery, you can schedule an appointment at the nearest clinic.

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